
vinogradov .dev

Hello! My name is Nikita. I am a web developer with over 13 years of experience. I create web projects of any complexity for your business and provide IT consulting. I also run a blog.
Stack: PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL, Marketplaces
Age: 32
City: Buenos Aires
Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Projects Completed: 50+
Years of Experience: 13+
Clients Served: 100+
Dynamic text change on a page using JavaScript

Dynamic text change on a page using JavaScript

In this lesson, we will continue exploring JavaScript and apply our knowledge in practice to create dynamic user interaction. We will add an input field to the page, and every time the text in this field changes, our heading will be updated in real-time. This will not only give you more experience working with the Document Object Model (DOM), but also demonstrate how easily interactive elements can be created using JavaScript.

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Hello World comes to life: Introduction to JavaScript

Hello World comes to life: Introduction to JavaScript

In the previous lessons, we created a simple page with the phrase "Hello World!" and enhanced it using CSS. Now it's time to add some interactivity using JavaScript! In this lesson, we will learn how to change the background of the page using a button. Let's go through step by step how to do this.

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Hello World Gets Beautiful: Introduction to CSS

Hello World Gets Beautiful: Introduction to CSS

In the previous article, we created a simple web page that displayed the "Hello World!" text. Today, we’ll make it look more attractive by learning about CSS — the technology used to style HTML pages. We’ll add a background, change fonts, and introduce a small visual upgrade.

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Hello World - An Introduction to Web Development

Hello World - An Introduction to Web Development

If you're reading these lines, it means you've already taken the first step into the world of programming, and I'll be here to help you along the way. Instead of diving into boring theories, let's jump straight into practice! We'll start with the very first program — 'Hello, World!', which helps every developer take their first step towards mastering a new language.

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